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We are an Ottawa-based health and wellness startup on a mission to revolutionize the snack and beverage industry with our innovative use of cassava leaves. Our vision is to promote cardiovascular health and provide sustained energy, offering a new path in the health-focused market. We take pride in crafting unique products that prioritize taste, nutrition, and functionality, featuring the extraordinary potential of cassava leaves, brown rice, honey, and other exceptional ingredients.

Our Journey

From Inspiration to Innovation

Founded on the 7th of July, 2023, our journey began with a simple yet powerful idea inspired by African dietary traditions and a personal quest for optimal well-being. We recognized the untapped potential of cassava leaves, a nutritional powerhouse often overlooked in modern cuisine. Determined to unleash its benefits, we embarked on a mission to develop cassava leaf-based products that would not only delight taste buds but also promote a heart-healthy lifestyle.


Our Team


La Gussi Kanane


La Gussi’s expertise in chemical engineering and environmental sustainability drives our product development and operations.


Madeleine Rose Hiscocks

Board Member

Madeleine’s creativity and administrative prowess play a vital role in brand-building and growth.